PROJECT № 126.

Project for recycling waste containing carbon materials by gasification.

City: Pokrovsk, Donetsk Oblast

Project manager: Andrii Toporov

Degree of project readiness: MVP

This is the technology and hardware for processing solid domestic and industrial carbon-containing waste for the production of synthesis gas as a substitute for natural gas. 

Ultimate user: state municipalities - processing of waste deposits and landfills, enterprises processing carbon-containing materials, enterprises that are consumers of natural gas.              

Video presentation of the project 

Project presentation in PDF format >>>

FOR THE JURY >>>                                                                      FOR INVESTORS >>>

You can ask your questions about the project through the comments form


  1. Can you be more specific on
    1/ by-products processing according to regulation(s) regarding pollutant emission (ashes and gaseous by-prodcuts) ?
    2/ Maintenance costs and periodicity ?


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